NY-Leg.com is Now part of
We are pleased to announce that Ny-Leg.com is joining GovBuddy, the leading digital
advocacy platform that now encompasses both New York and California.

One consolidated platform. Multi-state access.
Access GovBuddy New York Edition with
Your Former NY-leg.com Subscription

When you need a professional New York legislative directory with interactive maps
and collaborative tools, GovBuddy is your one-stop advocacy solution

As a former NY-leg.com subscriber, you will now have access to GovBuddy, the leading digital advocacy solution that now encompasses both California and New York. The purpose of this transition is to simplify branding, improve security, provide a streamlined user experience, and offer a wider selection of features.

NY-leg.com subscribers have long used the GovBuddy mobile apps to access their subscription features on iOS and Android devices. With this migration complete you can now rely on one trusted brand for your legislative directory needs.

Our goal was to make the transition to GovBuddy as seamless as possible, providing new value that's designed to advance your digital advocacy efforts. Of note, access to the features you had on NY-leg.com are now only available on GovBuddy.com moving forward.

Staff Responsibilities
GovBuddy is adding a new feature to show what committee responsibilities each legislator has assigned to each of their staff members. We will begin collecting this information in mid-February and you will see it as soon as we have it.
Time-Saving Collaboration Tools
Legislative Collaboration
With GovBuddy, you can invite likeminded advocates, discover new initiatives, and increase awareness for your campaigns.
Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
GovBuddy’s collaboration features mean users can add private information to GovBuddy. To protect that information, GovBuddy includes a number of security features including 2FA. This means we will ask you, from time to time, to verify your subscription with a code number sent to your phone.