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GovBuddy ESSENTIALS Team Plan - Our NYS Legislature Website

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All the legislative information in our Pocket Directory of the New York Legislature, continuously updated throughout the year. 

  • Includes a weekly email listing any legislative changes we've heard about that week.

Desktop features include:

  • State Legislator contact information, including emails, addresses and phone & fax numbers for each office.
  • Social media accounts including Twitter, facebook, LinkedIn and now Instagram.
  • Legislator Staff with email and office phone & fax numbers. Separate "quick-lookup" lists of schedulers and chiefs of staff.
  • Brief Legislator bios with links to official bios and Wikipedia listings, as well as our own exclusive bios.
  • Committees & Committee Staff with emails, phone numbers, meeting times and addresses.
  • New York's US Congress delegation with contact information, staff, brief bios and committees.
  • Quick lists of schedulers and chiefs of staff.
  • Interactive district maps let you zoom in to street level or zoom out to state level.
  • Printable b&w district maps (pdf).
  • District locator that allows you to enter an address and determine the Assembly, Senate, and Congressional districts for that address.
  • District voter registration and most recent election results (pdf).
  • Links to campaign finances and to official biography.
  • "Your Notes:" You can add your own private notes to each legislator's profile! No one but you, the subscriber, will be able see "YOUR NOTES."

Directions for use:

Website: Go to , click Login in the top right and then sign in using your email address and password.  Once you've signed in, click Directory in the red banner to begin using.'s Mobile App:  GovBuddy's mobile app is called GovBuddy.  For iPhones, the app is in the App Store.  For Android phones, the app is in the Play Store.  After you install the app, enter your username and password. 

Questions? Call us at 800-922-7486